Donate To MYNA Today!

Muhammad, upon him be peace, said: “Charity does not in any way decrease the wealth and the servant who forgives, Allah adds to his respect; and the one who shows humility, Allah elevates him in the estimation (of the people).” (Muslim)

Where are your donations going?

MYNA General Fund

There are many categories of expenses such as counselor travel, camp supplies, youth support, structure, food &event costs, speakers, development, staffing, etc. This is the biggest and most important category and MYNA will be able to use these funds to offset any of those expenses.  This fund also helps in expanding and growing the youth department and being able to reach more Muslim Youth of North America

MYNA Zakat Trust

MYNA Provides Islamic Knowledge, training and development for a lot of Zakat eligible families.  Donations in this category will soley be used for youth belonging to famililes that cannot afford MYNA programming. Funds would be used to make eductional programs, foster Islamic identity, leadership training, spiritual development and more for youth. 


To donate specifically to the Hira Intensive, please specify your donation on LaunchGood. At Hira, we believe that the cost of tuition should never be an obstacle for anyone who wants to come. This is where YOU come in! Through your generous donation, we hope not to turn away anyone who sincerely seeking knowledge in the way of Allah.

To pay by check please mail to 6555 S. County Road 750 E | Plainfield, IN 46168 and make it out Muslim Youth of North America and please specify fund (as seen below) in the memo section

"MYNA is more than just four letters. It's a means to grow closer to Allah (swt), it's a movement, it's a home, and it will always be family." -Noor Sheikh-Khalil

"MYNA is more than just four letters. It's a means to grow closer to Allah (swt), it's a movement, it's a home, and it will always be family." -Noor Sheikh-Khalil

MYNA doesn't run on Dunkin. It runs on the minds of exciting and engaged youth. It runs on the aspirations of parents to create a better life for their children. It runs on the tireless efforts and support of our donors and supporters. To move our projects and people forward we call on your financial support to help us bring some of the most unique products to Muslim Youth across North America. Join our team, choose a category below, and support the Muslim Youth of North America!

“I would say MYNA played a critical role in some of the most transformative years of my life (middle and high school). Not only was I able to create meaningful lasting friendships with kids across the US, I always left with an incredible rejuvenatio…

“I would say MYNA played a critical role in some of the most transformative years of my life (middle and high school). Not only was I able to create meaningful lasting friendships with kids across the US, I always left with an incredible rejuvenation of my deen. So much of my life, who I am now, and how I got here is because of the choice I made in 2014 to go my first MYNA camp and enter into the MYNA world.” -Mughees Choudry