The Personal Journey to Sacred Knowledge

While many boys in our communities are hufadh of Quran, have attended programs (some overseas) to study their deen, and are given numerous opportunities to learn and even teach about Islam, the same may not be as common or as accessible to girls. With ISRAA, we embarked on a journey to bridge the gap of access to Islamic knowledge and female teachers for girls between ages 12 and 18.

ISRAA was born out that desire to have an ongoing program where girls are given the opportunity to learn more about their deen in a setting that is accessible and comfortable from teachers who understand their experiences. Through ISRAA, we hope to provide a means for personal and spiritual growth, and for connection to peers and scholars.

ISRAA strives to unlock a path to knowledge for young female students. This initiative allows students to ask questions freely, engage with the material, and interact with their teacher and fellow classmates. ISRAA is a unique opportunity for female youth across the country to connect to teachers who will set them on a path of learning grounded in traditional sources.


Ready to Begin or Continue Your Journey to Sacred Knowledge? NEW CLASSES COMING SOON!

What are youth saying about ISRAA?

ISRAA has expanded my Islamic knowledge tremendously and aided in empowering me as a young Muslim woman. I am grateful that I was able to gain useful information that I can implement in my daily life from such an outstanding and engaging teacher.
It’s been really cool because there are not many only girl programs and let alone an Islamic only girl program. And I got to learn a lot of practical duas, how to do them, when to do them, and the reward for them. And it was so in depth, but sister Aatifa is such a great teacher that I understood all of it and it was awesome!
I feel that it helped me a lot to understand the struggles of Muslim women in the time of the Prophet (pbH) and also to know that if there are any times where a someone is saying that I can’t do something because I am a woman, that I can give an example of strong Muslim woman.