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Facts vs. Interpretations: Understanding Islam & Evolution - Dr. Yamina Bouguenaya, Isra Yazicioglu and Ilhan Akan
The purpose of this essay is to offer an Islamic perspective on the theory of evolution. As we discuss this particular theory, we also aim to highlight broader issues related to Islam and science.
Why Do People Suffer? God’s Existence & the Problem of Evil - Mohammad Elshinawy
This essay argues that the existence of evil offers neither a logical nor probable case against God’s existence and that Islam offers a comprehensive theodicy: that is, a systematic solution to the problem of evil.
The Prophetic Truth: Why Muhammad ﷺ is God's final Messenger - Hamza Andreas Tzortzis
An in-depth examination of the teachings, character and impact of the Prophet as well as an examination of the arguments made in opposition of his Prophethood
Importance of Parents: An Islamic Perspective - Sh. Abdool Rahman Khan
A reminder about the importance of parents with Quranic and hadith support
Fasting in Ramadan
Defines fasting and outlines the conditions for fasting and making up fasts.