Asking Volunteers How MYNA Helped Them Become Better Leaders
MYNA is an organization that promotes, above all, helping others.
With helping others comes having or developing great qualities, as demonstrated by role models such as Nelson Mandela, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King Jr. These figures are now viewed as influential and positive figures in society for the lasting changes they made to the world. They set the example to teach the world what is right, and all we have to do is follow. Have you seen something wrong in society that you want to take action against? Is there an initiative you want to take up that people will thank you for in the future? Then you have the qualities of a leader, and you can end up being remembered as a legend for leaving the world better than it was when you joined it.
Such a lofty prize does not come with much ease.
There are roadblocks, people who may be against what you're doing or why you are doing it. As long as you are sure that you are doing the right thing and Allah (SWT) and the Prophet (PBUH) would be proud of your actions, know that you will walk out of the cloud of adversity with your head held high. "MYNA taught me how to navigate through difficulty in leadership positions," comments Faizan Khan, MYNA's outreach coordinator. "That the most difficult and confusing challenges are the perfect time to remember Allah." We should always keep in mind that Allah is behind the ummah when we are going through struggles. He is putting us to the test so that we can show Him that our faith in him will keep us grounded and help us get the job done. Challenges are merely checkpoints on your journey to the goal.
Mother Teresa (pictured here)is beloved by all who know her and her legacy because she made her life all about making other lives better.
Zakareeya Zaid, president and head of all things MYNA, knows a thing or two about meeting people's needs and making sure everything is going well. He said, "MYNA has taught me that leadership is all about serving others." Personally, I've learned that at MYNA communication is key and if you're not having a bit of fun with the people you work with, there's really no point forcing yourself to spend time with them. It's truly a great thing to go to sleep knowing you put the effort in to make someone else's day better, whether it's helping someone cross the road or even just giving them a smile. For someone to be a leader, they have to be one for the people.
As Muslims, we are taught to attempt to mirror and emulate the actions of the Prophet (PBUH) because he is the greatest human being to ever live.
Maryam, a member of the PR team, did this really well when I asked for insight on how MYNA helped her work on herself as a person. In the initial message, I wrote that it can just be a sentence, not something that took much time to write. However, she took the time out of her day to write a detailed, thoughtful paragraph on how she attempts to be like the Prophet (PBUH) with her actions every day. As a part of what she wrote, Maryam noted that "MYNA has helped me become intentional in learning from and mirroring our beloved Prophet (PBUH) when leading. I make sure and try my best to do as our Prophet would - whether that be showing patience with others or turning to Allah (SWT) for guidance when Iβm stuck. I think it can be so easy to forget these small things sometimes, but MYNA has helped me make sure that I remember who I am doing everything for - Allah (SWT)." Even before I read the entire paragraph, I knew that Maryam had put effort into this paragraph. The Prophet would always converse clearly and with effort, something Maryam had done here. Based on this, it's clear that Maryam is adhering well to the other habits she mentioned in the quotation as well. We should all aim to be like the Prophet (PBUH), remember Allah (SWT) through adversity, and help others as much as possible.