The 3 Ashras of Ramadan, pt. 1

Ramadan is a month best known for fasting and abstaining from that which our religion looks down upon or does not permit. However, while we boost our ability to avoid what is haram, we should also increase our blessings and chances of getting into heaven by making du’a for what we want. While we lead separate lives and will want different things from our Lord, 3 ashras have been specified as general things to pursue. As the month has 30 days, each ashra should be focused on for 10 days. After MYNA spring camps provided us with a beautiful segway into this holy month, we can begin by focusing on the first ashra: Mercy.

Mercy is defined as “compassion shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm.” As Allah (SWT) is the supreme being of the universe, He would definitely have the power to punish or harm us. Because of these powers He holds, we should be sure to ask for his compassion.

There is a du’a to be made during the first 10 days of Ramadan specifically asking for mercy. The English translation states, “O! My Lord forgive me and have Mercy and You are the Best of Merciful.” While praising Allah (SWT), we then ask him for the favor of showing us His best qualities while judging us. The du’a reminds me of when I asked my parents if I could go out to eat with my friends and added in the news that I got a 100 on a chem test. To get what we want, it’s advisable to add something positive there.

There is a parable of a man who was judged and granted permission to enter Jannah, because of Allah’s mercy upon him. The man then stated that he didn’t want to get in because of Allah’s mercy, he wanted to get in off of his own merit. Once Allah removed his mercy from the equation, the man was no longer qualified enough for Jannah. We should rely on Allah’s compassion and insha'Allah, all of our du’as for mercy are accepted and we get into Jannah.

That’s the first ashra of Ramadan! The next one is closely linked to this one, so make sure to stay tuned for the post devoted to it.


How to Level Up with MYNA (Spring Camp 2022)


How to Set Yourself Up for Success in Ramadan