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Does Praying Tahajjud Make a Difference? | DoubleTake with Yaqeen Institute
Tahajjud, or qiyaam ul-layl, is the voluntary night prayer that was recommended by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It is a simple act of worship that can have profound benefits. In this episode, host Mohamad Zaoud talks to Dr. Tamara Gray, author of the Yaqeen Institute paper “Tahajjud: Fuel for the Self and Society,” about how tahajjud can reinvigorate your personal relationship with God and your ability to contribute to positive social change.
Tahajjud: Fuel for the Self and Society - Sh-a Dr. Tamara Gray
Why is Tahajjud absolutely crucial if we want to be and see change
Seven Tips For The Night Prayer [Tahajjud] - Saad Tasleem
Tips for the Tahajjud prayer: performed at night after the night (isha) prayer. It is called "tahajjud" because it is performed by getting up after sleeping for a while. It can be performed as two, four or eight rak'ahs.
Advice to Help you Focus in Salah - Mufti Menk
Quick two tips that help you focus in prayer
How to Focus in Salah! - Utd. Asim Khan
Learn WHY it is important to improve our focus during prayer and HOW to do it
Ms. Afeefa Talks to Allah in Prayer
Did you know our prayer positions are part of how we can talk to Allah (s) every day? The more we know what happens when we pray, the more connected our mind, heart and body are to Allah and the universe.
How to Pray 4 Rakat (units) - Step by Step Guide - Time To Pray with Zaky
Learn how to pray 4 rakat with this step by step video.
The Night Prayer - Qiyam al-Layl - Saad Tasleem
The blessings and importance of the night prayer. How to pray the night prayer.
Allah does this on Laylatul Qadr - Sh. Yasir Qadhi
Learn what is so important that happens on this night that Allah makes an oath by the Quran.
Detox by Day and Indulge By Night | Ramadan Strong - Dr. Lobna Mulla
How we take skills we learned during Ramadan and make them last for the year