How Will YOU Improve This Year? (New Year's Resolutions)

We had a few people at MYNA send in anonymous New Year’s Resolutions on improving themselves as Muslims...

3 Categories of Criteria (Final score is an average)

Specificity: Out of 10

Relation to Islamic Community: Out of 10

Potential Benefit: Out of 10

1. Go to the Masjid for 1 prayer a day, either Isha or Fajr.

This is extremely specific, mainly because of the number clearly being listed. Going to the masjid contributes to the Islamic community as it means there will be one more person consistently showing up in a time when many are busy and decide to pray at home. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said "Salah (prayer) in congregation is twenty-seven times more rewarding than a Salah performed individually" (Bukhari and Muslim). Based on this, there is a lot of benefit of taking time out of your day to pray in the masjid.

S: 9

R: 8

P: 8

Average: 8.3

2. Reading half a page of Qur’an a day

While the term “half a page” proves some specificity, the amount actually read each day is due to fluctuate a bit. While this might be a bit of nitpicking on my part, let’s move on. Even though reading the Qur’an beautifies a person on the inside, it doesn’t contribute much to the local Muslim community. We all know that reading Qur’an provides plentiful benefit, and the fact that it will be read at least once a day gives this resolution full marks in the PB category.

S: 7

R: 3

P: 10

Average: 6.7

3. Participating in more of the masjid’s events

This goal isn’t specific at all, no numbers are thrown around. While there may be an intention to do good, the best way to make it happen is to have a clear plan. This is probably the goal that relates the most to the Islamic community, because if this goal is achieved it will leave a positive impact in the Muslim community. Because of this, the potential benefit is also going to be high because of how it can affect many people.

S: 2

R: 10

P: 10

Average: 7.3

4. Make up Ramadan fasts that have been missed

While this goal isn’t number-defined specific, the acceptance of the daunting task ahead earns a few points. It doesn’t really relate to the Muslim community either, unless you are planning to make them up along with a friend so they can relate to what you are feeling. That’s a strategy I’d recommend. The potential benefit is maxed out because making up fasts is almost a necessary thing to do as a Muslim.

S: 5

R: 6

P: 10

Average: 7

4. Fasting every Monday and Thursday

This goal is specific because we now know that the person with this goal wants to fast on two specific days each week of the year. The only way this affects the community is if this person is doing it with someone else, spreading the influence of fasting and maximizing the overall benefit. Based on the last part of that sentence, the potential benefit is through the roof because of the sheer number of days that are going to be fasted by this person.

S: 9

R: 5

P: 10

Average: 8

The results...

“Going to the masjid once a day” beat out “Fasting every Monday and Thursday” by a score of 8.3 to 8. Going to the masjid once a day is a specific resolution that has lots of benefits and impacts the community in a good way. Make sure you set an Islamic goal for yourself so that you can better yourself as a Muslim during the upcoming year!


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