Why MYNA Camp is the BEST (Week 2 Recap)

After an extremely successful first week of the return of MYNA in-person camps, the second week loomed as MYNA counselors, advisors, and board members prepared themselves for the influx of youth to the Midwest, North Central, and Pacific camps. Just like week 1, things started off smoothly and never looked back since then.

The people who put the camp together knew its importance.

Fatimah Yousuf, who was on the committee for this year’s North Central camp, commented that she hoped that the camp had a lasting impact on everyone who attended. She also said, “I can say I made a lot of friends that iA will last a lifetime. It was easy to make friends because we all already had one thing in common: strengthening our deen and learning more about our deen. It was also a very friendly environment and we all just bonded over our love for Islam and building it." Mysha Amir, a committee member of the Pacific camp, stated that “it was heartwarming to see the youth at camp laughing amongst each other and sharing the things they learned. Through all the ups and downs, I learned to have a great time with the wonderful people around me, and Alhumdulillah camp was definitely memorable experience.”

What were some of these activities that helped people make new friends?

Sajjad Khobaib, a camper from the Midwest region, informed us that some of the activities included doing workshops, playing soccer, and also playing basketball. He went on to say that “the camp experience was great, I…am looking forward to going to spring camp.” I can also add a bit of input here, owing to the fact that I went to the Pacific camp in week 2. The workshops added a bit of competitive edge during the camp, while the sports such as archery, basketball, and soccer made free time among the many highlights of camp. Mysha stated that “I am beyond blessed to have met those I did. I bonded heavily with my committee and cabin members in such a short time that it honestly surprised me, but Alhumdulillah I'm glad.” I couldn’t have agreed more. The fun and indignation of not winning workshop competitions made me strengthen bonds with my cabin members and I truly hope that they last as we renew those friendships through the MYNA camps to come.

Enough about the fun stuff. What did the campers learn?

Ok, fine. The campers found the many lectures intriguing as they were introduced to new topics and stories they may have never heard of previously. Mysha added, “The lectures given were often much-needed reminders. Each lecture had its own special takeaway that will always stay with me…” We live in a society where living a normal, society-standardized life takes us away from our Islamic values. Camps can be a good way to refresh our intentions and remind us who we are and our position in society, and how to go about it. One lecture on this topic specifically was my favorite lecture of the entire camp, because it was so relevant to the world we live in today as Muslim-Americans.

To cap it all off, every region enjoyed a successful experience and came away from it with new friends, new intentions, and a new approach to the complicated world we live in. Spring camp is on its way!


Why MYNA Works So Well (MYNA Org Chart)


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