What were some of these activities that helped people make new friends?
Sajjad Khobaib, a camper from the Midwest region, informed us that some of the activities included doing workshops, playing soccer, and also playing basketball. He went on to say that “the camp experience was great, I…am looking forward to going to spring camp.” I can also add a bit of input here, owing to the fact that I went to the Pacific camp in week 2. The workshops added a bit of competitive edge during the camp, while the sports such as archery, basketball, and soccer made free time among the many highlights of camp. Mysha stated that “I am beyond blessed to have met those I did. I bonded heavily with my committee and cabin members in such a short time that it honestly surprised me, but Alhumdulillah I'm glad.” I couldn’t have agreed more. The fun and indignation of not winning workshop competitions made me strengthen bonds with my cabin members and I truly hope that they last as we renew those friendships through the MYNA camps to come.