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Is talking ill of an unknown person considered backbiting? Islam FAQ
Answer by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani to the common question of if talking ill of someone you don't know is considered backbiting
Various types of Naseeha | Giving & Taking advice
In this video, Sh. Dr. Yasir Qadhi discusses the hadith that "the deen is naseeha." This hadith elaborates on the definition and types of Naseehah (Naseeha to Allah, Quran, Prophet, Rulers and the community/masses).
Does Praying Tahajjud Make a Difference? | DoubleTake with Yaqeen Institute
Tahajjud, or qiyaam ul-layl, is the voluntary night prayer that was recommended by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It is a simple act of worship that can have profound benefits. In this episode, host Mohamad Zaoud talks to Dr. Tamara Gray, author of the Yaqeen Institute paper “Tahajjud: Fuel for the Self and Society,” about how tahajjud can reinvigorate your personal relationship with God and your ability to contribute to positive social change.
Da'wah Advice to Young Muslims
In an interview in Mumbai, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi gives a very wise advice to the youth, he basically says that you must acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses in order to find yourself a role in society where you can be most productive to the ummah.
Allah Rewards Your Doubts If...
Satan is always going to whisper. But refusing to allow yourself to turn that whisper into action is a sign of clear and pristine faith.whis
How Should One Repent From Backbiting? - Shaykh Waleed Basyouni
We all are aware of the hadith mentioning that backbiting is eating the flesh of your dead brother. It is indeed a severe sin. How can one come back from it? How can one repent for it?
Backbiting And Slandering - Sh. AbdulNasir Jangda
Short talk about what backbiting is vs slander, breaks them down in a very clear manner (part of this is by Shaykh AbdulNasir Jangda, but the speaker changes during the video.
Meaningful Solidarity - Sh. Omar Suleiman
All Muslims owe a great debt to Black history, but what about the present? Sh. Omar Suleiman discusses what it means to engage in meaningful solidarity with the African American community today, and our religious obligation to do so.
The Qur'an Condemns Racism - Sh. Omar Suleiman
The very famous Qur’anic verse on marriage is on every wedding invite and is recited in every nikah and wedding celebration. Did you know that it is situated between two verses that condemn racism?
Hadith #32 – Racism and Tribalism - Sh. Omar Suleiman
Sh. Omar Suleiman describes how the Prophet ﷺ dealt with structural racism and tribalism at every level.
When the Sahaba Met a Racist King | Virtual Khutbah - Sh. Omar Suleiman
Dr. Omar Suleiman recalls the story of ‘Ubadah ibn al-Samit RA when he was confronted by the racist ruler Al-Muqawqis during the conquest of Egypt.
On Race, Allyship & Following Black Leadership | Jummah Reflection - Imam Khalid Latif
A powerful and passionate talk that discusses current events such as the murder of George Floyd, the roots of racism in the United States, and how we can individually and as a community support our black sisters and brothers, both within the community and outside of it, at this time.
Resist Bigotry: Stand up to Racism & Hate - Ustadha Ieasha Prime
From being singled out at the airport, to facing racism when going about our daily routine, hate crimes are on the rise against Muslim women. It is also clear that racism is impacting other marginalized communities as well. What impact is bigotry having on our community’s collective psyche? How do we go beyond surface level “wonkiness” and build a community committed to antiracism work for all people? Practical advice to a very real problem.
Black History, Resistance & Racism: A Modern Day Problem - Ustadha Ieasha Prime.
A passionate walk down history lane of racism, resistance and racism
Optimism in Difficult Times, Overcoming Racism, Prejudice & Bias - Shaykh Mikaeel Smith
A talkshow style conversation with Shaykh Mikaeel Smith who explains why despite difficulties and challenges Muslims should remain optimistic. He also explains how Malcolm X led him to Islam and why the Muslim community needs to understand the difference between racism, prejudice & bias and how to overcome them.
Satan (Iblees) was the First Racist - Sh. Yasir Qadhi
Education is the solution to racism.
Racism Has No Place in Islam - Basheer Jones
How to stand true to principles of Islam that uphold justice for everyone
Racism in Our Ranks - Sh. Abdullah Oduro
Does racism really exist in Muslim communities?This talk demonstrates examples of racism within our communities and identifies steps to take to eliminate it.
Islam’s Anti-Racist Message From the 7th century Still Resonates Today - Asma Afsaruddin
A relevant article that explores the topic of racism through the lens of Islam as it applies to today's issues
The Story of Hajar: Uncovering Certainty in Uncertainty - Sh. Omar Suleiman
Sh. Omar Suleiman explores the story of Prophet Ibrahim through Hajar and what we can learn about having certainty in times of deep uncertainty