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Salah Shayan Bawaney Salah Shayan Bawaney

Does Praying Tahajjud Make a Difference? | DoubleTake with Yaqeen Institute

Tahajjud, or qiyaam ul-layl, is the voluntary night prayer that was recommended by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It is a simple act of worship that can have profound benefits. In this episode, host Mohamad Zaoud talks to Dr. Tamara Gray, author of the Yaqeen Institute paper “Tahajjud: Fuel for the Self and Society,” about how tahajjud can reinvigorate your personal relationship with God and your ability to contribute to positive social change.

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Character Shayan Bawaney Character Shayan Bawaney

Da'wah Advice to Young Muslims

In an interview in Mumbai, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi gives a very wise advice to the youth, he basically says that you must acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses in order to find yourself a role in society where you can be most productive to the ummah.

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Racism MYNA Racism MYNA

Meaningful Solidarity - Sh. Omar Suleiman

All Muslims owe a great debt to Black history, but what about the present? Sh. Omar Suleiman discusses what it means to engage in meaningful solidarity with the African American community today, and our religious obligation to do so.

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Racism MYNA Racism MYNA

Resist Bigotry: Stand up to Racism & Hate - Ustadha Ieasha Prime

From being singled out at the airport, to facing racism when going about our daily routine, hate crimes are on the rise against Muslim women. It is also clear that racism is impacting other marginalized communities as well. What impact is bigotry having on our community’s collective psyche? How do we go beyond surface level “wonkiness” and build a community committed to antiracism work for all people? Practical advice to a very real problem.

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