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Black History, Resistance & Racism: A Modern Day Problem - Ustadha Ieasha Prime.
A passionate walk down history lane of racism, resistance and racism
Optimism in Difficult Times, Overcoming Racism, Prejudice & Bias - Shaykh Mikaeel Smith
A talkshow style conversation with Shaykh Mikaeel Smith who explains why despite difficulties and challenges Muslims should remain optimistic. He also explains how Malcolm X led him to Islam and why the Muslim community needs to understand the difference between racism, prejudice & bias and how to overcome them.
The Story of Hajar: Uncovering Certainty in Uncertainty - Sh. Omar Suleiman
Sh. Omar Suleiman explores the story of Prophet Ibrahim through Hajar and what we can learn about having certainty in times of deep uncertainty
The Benefits of Trials 3: Stuck out at Sea and Discovering True Sincerity - Ustadh AbdelRahman Murphy
The third gift that 'Iz ad Deen ibn Abd as Salaam (r) provides us with as a virtue of being tested is that we discover what it truly means to be truly and totally focused on Allah - sincerity, or ikhlaas.
The Benefits of Trials 2: Coming to Know Ourselves, Our Need of God - Ustadh AbdelRahman Murphy
The first benefit yesterday taught us that trials bring us to develop a clearer understanding of who our Lord is - His honor, His power, and His lordship.
The Benefits of Trials 1: Being Brought to Know Allah - Ustadh AbdelRahman Murphy
A series based on a text by a 12 century Egyptian scholar, The Benefits of Trials. The first benefit that he mentions is that trials and tests in life bring us to a much more intimate and deep knowledge of Allah - tests make us appreciate His honor and power in Lordship, and that realization comes to us in the midst of the trial, with the fruit of bringing us to a state of reliance and spiritual rest with God.
Coping with the Coronavirus - Najwa Awad, Sarah Sultan and Dr. Omar Suleiman
How do we empower ourselves spiritually, mentally, and emotionally during a time of anxiety and uncertainty? With all the fear around the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we can feel panicked and anxious, like our life is spiraling out of control. This infographic helps us reflect and refocus our thinking.
The Plague that Killed Sahaba and the Coronavirus - Sh. Omar Suleiman
In light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, Sh. Omar Suleiman delivers a special lecture on the Amwas plague, the first plague to claim the lives of hundreds of Sahaba and thousands of people in the 7th century. He highlights lessons we can learn from that time period and offers some spiritual gems that are relevant to us today.
Time stamp: 9:33 - mass health crisis (a plague)
Why Do Innocent People Suffer? #Aleppo - Sh. Omar Suleiman
Sh. Omar Suleiman talks about freewill, the plight of Syria, and our responsibility for action, even as we continue to pray in a practical and accessible manner
Understanding Invisible Wounds - Sh. Omar Suleiman
The Prophet ﷺ bled more in Uhud, but he hurt more in Taif. Sh. Omar Suleiman reflects on becoming aware of our own invisible wounds, the wounds we cause, the ones we ignore in the people around us.
Does God Ever Give Us Tests We Can't Handle - Sh. Omar Suleiman
Sh. Omar Suleiman reflects on the subject of handling more than we can bare while referencing the ayah that states that God does not burden or test us beyond our scope.
The Du'a That Answers Every Prayer & Removes Every Hardship - Sh. Omar Suleiman
Sh. Omar Suleiman shares and reflects on a beautiful du'a stated by Prophet Yunus (Jonah) as he was in the belly of the whale. This du'a is said to clear all hardship and be answered by Allah (swt) if given sincerely by the believer.
Why do Calamities & Tragedies Happen? (ie, Violence in Society) - Sh. Yasir Qadhi
In the wake of a shooting, Sr. Qadhi discusses why calamities and tragedies happen and also discusses some practical ways that Muslims should respond to such events in the second half of the sermon.