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Stressed Out: The Struggle for Success - Dr. Rania Awaad
Dr. Rania Awaad guides us through stress reduction strategies and techniques that can help us benefit from the blessings of Ramadan. Reducing stress in our lives can put our minds and bodies in a better state, God willing, to take advantage of the manifold spiritual opportunities this month offers.
Why are we afraid of Mental Health?
Breaking the Silence on depression. Helps recognize signs of depression and ways to approach a friend/family member who might be suffering from depression
Suicide in the Community of the Prophet (pbuh) and Wishing for Death - Imam Omar Suleiman
Addresses losing sense of purpose as an element in the discussion of mental health
Understanding Invisible Wounds - Sh. Omar Suleiman
The Prophet ﷺ bled more in Uhud, but he hurt more in Taif. Sh. Omar Suleiman reflects on becoming aware of our own invisible wounds, the wounds we cause, the ones we ignore in the people around us.
Bullying, Suicide & High School - Belal Assad
An Islamic perspective of bullying and abuse from the Quran and Sunnah. The talk also reveals some unfortunate truths regarding suicide and self harm in the community as a result of the increased bullying and abuse in today’s society.
Depression: An Islamic Perspective - Dr. Sh. Yasir Qadhi
Gain a deeper understanding of depression from an Islamic perspective
Mental Illness is Real - Mohamed Hoblos
Confront the stereotypes and misconceptions of one of the biggest taboo topics in the Muslim community, mental illness.
Psychology and Islam - Dr. Rania Awaad
Learn about little known facts about the contributions made by Muslim psychologists centuries ago to the field of mental health