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The Greatest Way to Seek Allah's Forgiveness - Imam Omar Suleiman
Istighfar, or seeking forgiveness, both prevents hardship and is a means of relieving hardship. Sh. Omar Suleiman describes one of the best du'as to make for seeking Allah's forgiveness.
A Powerful Dua for Happiness - Suleiman Hani
Dua for happiness, its transliteration and its meaning.
Importance of and How to Make Du'a (Supplication) - Sh. Yasir Qadhi
Dua is the backbone of worship! Learn the etiquettes of making dua.
The Delayed Dua Syndrome - Mohammad Elshinawy
When struck with a hardship, we make profuse duâ’ appealing for comfort and a way out. Sometimes, the response from Allah is delayed, and we become consumed by worry and anxiety. Is there a wisdom in delayed dua?
21 Recommended Times for Dua (Supplication) - MV Media
There are certain times dua (supplication) is more likely to be accepted by Allah (Most High) as mentioned by Prophet (ﷺ). This article lists 21.
The Power of Dua - Khalid Baig
Dua is conversation with Allah … It is the most uplifting, liberating, empowering, and transforming conversation a person can ever have.
Prayer to Overcome Porn Addiction - Mufti Menk
With porn becoming more easily available through the Internet, some people may struggle with an addiction to it.
7 Best Duas Every Muslim Should Say - M. Fouzia
In this article, we compiled some of the most important duas and hadiths that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) encouraged us to say.