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Addicted to Pornography? Watch This! - Imam Omar Suleiman
Are you addicted to Pornography? Do you make excuses to yourself to justify it? A short advice on why these diseases have now infested our societies even though we possess Islam
Pornography Destroys you | Social Media - Mufti Menk
Social media and technology is a tool that can be used for good or bad. When using it for bad, it can lead to unhealthy addiction
Prayer to Overcome Porn Addiction - Mufti Menk
With porn becoming more easily available through the Internet, some people may struggle with an addiction to it.
Pornography Addiction Test | Your Brain on Porn | Animated Series
A New Series exploring the Neuroscience behind Porn Addiction and how to overcome it. Why Porn addiction is so uniquely addictive and uses inbuilt wiring in your brain to take over your brain. It also explains why your brain is not ready to resist this addiction instead it has been trained to embrace this addiction.
How To FINALLY Quit Porn Addiction (10 Tips) - Wael Ibrahim
A practical guide with tips on how to quit pornography