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The Benefits of Trials 2: Coming to Know Ourselves, Our Need of God - Ustadh AbdelRahman Murphy
The first benefit yesterday taught us that trials bring us to develop a clearer understanding of who our Lord is - His honor, His power, and His lordship.
Importance of and How to Make Du'a (Supplication) - Sh. Yasir Qadhi
Dua is the backbone of worship! Learn the etiquettes of making dua.
Understanding Invisible Wounds - Sh. Omar Suleiman
The Prophet ﷺ bled more in Uhud, but he hurt more in Taif. Sh. Omar Suleiman reflects on becoming aware of our own invisible wounds, the wounds we cause, the ones we ignore in the people around us.
Does God Ever Give Us Tests We Can't Handle - Sh. Omar Suleiman
Sh. Omar Suleiman reflects on the subject of handling more than we can bare while referencing the ayah that states that God does not burden or test us beyond our scope.
Bullying, Suicide & High School - Belal Assad
An Islamic perspective of bullying and abuse from the Quran and Sunnah. The talk also reveals some unfortunate truths regarding suicide and self harm in the community as a result of the increased bullying and abuse in today’s society.
Psychology and Islam - Dr. Rania Awaad
Learn about little known facts about the contributions made by Muslim psychologists centuries ago to the field of mental health
What is the Right Age to Start Fasting? - Sh. AbdulNaser Jangda
Find out what the age to start fasting is!
When Ramadan Breaks - Sh-a Ieasha Prime
The fasting hours are long and the days are hot. Praying all night has left little time for sleep. Now, I am exhausted and not sure how to restore myself. How can I feel spiritually uplifted and connected when I am physically depleted? Help!