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Racism MYNA Racism MYNA

Resist Bigotry: Stand up to Racism & Hate - Ustadha Ieasha Prime

From being singled out at the airport, to facing racism when going about our daily routine, hate crimes are on the rise against Muslim women. It is also clear that racism is impacting other marginalized communities as well. What impact is bigotry having on our community’s collective psyche? How do we go beyond surface level “wonkiness” and build a community committed to antiracism work for all people? Practical advice to a very real problem.

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Calamities MYNA Calamities MYNA

The Plague that Killed Sahaba and the Coronavirus - Sh. Omar Suleiman

In light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, Sh. Omar Suleiman delivers a special lecture on the Amwas plague, the first plague to claim the lives of hundreds of Sahaba and thousands of people in the 7th century. He highlights lessons we can learn from that time period and offers some spiritual gems that are relevant to us today.
Time stamp: 9:33 - mass health crisis (a plague)

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Ramadan MYNA Ramadan MYNA

When Ramadan Breaks - Sh-a Ieasha Prime

The fasting hours are long and the days are hot. Praying all night has left little time for sleep. Now, I am exhausted and not sure how to restore myself. How can I feel spiritually uplifted and connected when I am physically depleted? Help!

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