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Hadith #32 – Racism and Tribalism - Sh. Omar Suleiman
Sh. Omar Suleiman describes how the Prophet ﷺ dealt with structural racism and tribalism at every level.
On Race, Allyship & Following Black Leadership | Jummah Reflection - Imam Khalid Latif
A powerful and passionate talk that discusses current events such as the murder of George Floyd, the roots of racism in the United States, and how we can individually and as a community support our black sisters and brothers, both within the community and outside of it, at this time.
Resist Bigotry: Stand up to Racism & Hate - Ustadha Ieasha Prime
From being singled out at the airport, to facing racism when going about our daily routine, hate crimes are on the rise against Muslim women. It is also clear that racism is impacting other marginalized communities as well. What impact is bigotry having on our community’s collective psyche? How do we go beyond surface level “wonkiness” and build a community committed to antiracism work for all people? Practical advice to a very real problem.
Black History, Resistance & Racism: A Modern Day Problem - Ustadha Ieasha Prime.
A passionate walk down history lane of racism, resistance and racism
The Delayed Dua Syndrome - Mohammad Elshinawy
When struck with a hardship, we make profuse duâ’ appealing for comfort and a way out. Sometimes, the response from Allah is delayed, and we become consumed by worry and anxiety. Is there a wisdom in delayed dua?
The Plague that Killed Sahaba and the Coronavirus - Sh. Omar Suleiman
In light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, Sh. Omar Suleiman delivers a special lecture on the Amwas plague, the first plague to claim the lives of hundreds of Sahaba and thousands of people in the 7th century. He highlights lessons we can learn from that time period and offers some spiritual gems that are relevant to us today.
Time stamp: 9:33 - mass health crisis (a plague)
Sectarianism & Anathematization - Sh. Hamza Yusuf
God prohibited sectarianism yet we find a problem of attacking other Muslims in our community.
Facts vs. Interpretations: Understanding Islam & Evolution - Dr. Yamina Bouguenaya, Isra Yazicioglu and Ilhan Akan
The purpose of this essay is to offer an Islamic perspective on the theory of evolution. As we discuss this particular theory, we also aim to highlight broader issues related to Islam and science.
Why Do People Suffer? God’s Existence & the Problem of Evil - Mohammad Elshinawy
This essay argues that the existence of evil offers neither a logical nor probable case against God’s existence and that Islam offers a comprehensive theodicy: that is, a systematic solution to the problem of evil.
Tahajjud: Fuel for the Self and Society - Sh-a Dr. Tamara Gray
Why is Tahajjud absolutely crucial if we want to be and see change
How to Focus in Salah! - Utd. Asim Khan
Learn WHY it is important to improve our focus during prayer and HOW to do it
Bullying, Suicide & High School - Belal Assad
An Islamic perspective of bullying and abuse from the Quran and Sunnah. The talk also reveals some unfortunate truths regarding suicide and self harm in the community as a result of the increased bullying and abuse in today’s society.
Depression: An Islamic Perspective - Dr. Sh. Yasir Qadhi
Gain a deeper understanding of depression from an Islamic perspective
Psychology and Islam - Dr. Rania Awaad
Learn about little known facts about the contributions made by Muslim psychologists centuries ago to the field of mental health
Repentance, Redemption, & Salvation: An Islamic Framework - Roohi Tahir
How one in a continual state of sin and repentance can at the very same time be regarded as the best of humanity? One of the defining characteristics of tawba is that it in fact enables one to attain a more righteous outcome and noble standing with God.
The Prophetic Truth: Why Muhammad ﷺ is God's final Messenger - Hamza Andreas Tzortzis
An in-depth examination of the teachings, character and impact of the Prophet as well as an examination of the arguments made in opposition of his Prophethood
When Ramadan Breaks - Sh-a Ieasha Prime
The fasting hours are long and the days are hot. Praying all night has left little time for sleep. Now, I am exhausted and not sure how to restore myself. How can I feel spiritually uplifted and connected when I am physically depleted? Help!